美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校电子工程与计算科学系,访问学者(2014.08- 2015.08)
新加坡南洋理工大学电子与电气工程学院,博士后(2011.02- 2012.02),合作导师:Prof. Dao Hua Zhang
博士(2007.09- 2010.06),中国科学院光电技术研究所,光学工程,导师:罗先刚 研究员
硕士(2003.09- 2006.06),中国科学技术大学近代物理系,原子与分子物理,导师:陈向军 教授
学士(1999.09- 2003.06),河南师范大学物理与信息工程学院,物理学
1.NSFC-河南联合基金:高深宽比超分辨纳米光刻图形制备方法研究。No.U1604133, 2017.01-2019.12,结项,主持。
3.河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖, 光电功能器件的设计与制备,(3/6) 2018年。
1.Yang, X.*, Zhang, S., Wang, B.et al.
Pushing feature size down to 11 nm by hyperbolic metamaterials-based interference photolithography under illumination of UV light source.
Appl. Phys. A 129, 87 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00339-023-06385-8
2. Unidirectional generation of surface plasmon polaritons by a single right-angled trapezoid metallic nanoslit.
X. Yang*, J. Wang, X. H. Lim, Z. Xu, J. Teng and D. H. Zhang*
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. Vol 50, N0.4, 045101 (2017)
3. Projecting high depth-to-width aspect ratio of nanolithography with a four-layer metallic waveguide structure
X Yang*, S Zhang, X Hou, J Wang
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing121, 217-221, (2015)
4. Designing arbitrary nanoscale patterns by a nanocavity waveguide with omnidirectional illumination.
X Yang, D H Zhang*, Z Xu, Y Wang, J Wang.
Appl. Phys. B.Vol 109(2), 215-219 (2012)
5. Subwavelength lithography using metallic grating waveguide heterostructure.
X Yang,W Li,D H Zhang*
Appl. Phys. A.Vol 107(1), 123-126 (2012)Invited paper
6. Deep subwavelength photolithography based on surface plasmon polaritons resonance with metallic grating waveguide heterostructure.
X Yang, L Fang, B Zeng, C Wang, Q Feng, X Luo*
Journal of Optics, Vol 12, 045001 (2010).
7. Breaking the feature sizes down to sub-22 nm by plasmonic interference lithography using dielectric-metal multilayer.
X Yang, B Zeng, C Wang, X Luo*
Optics Express, Vol 17, 21560-21565 (2009).
8. Broadband super-resolution imaging by a superlens with unmatched dielectric medium.
X Yang, Y Liu, J Ma, J Cui, H Xing, W Wang, C Wang, X Luo*
Optics Express, Vol 16, 19686-19694 (2008).
9. Electron momentum spectroscopy of the highest occupied molecular orbitals of chlorobromomethane
X Yang, F Wu, X Shan, M Yan, K Wang, X Xue, X Chen*, K Xu
Front. Phys. China,1(4), 424-427 (2006).